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qPCR Services

ABI QuantStudio 7 Flex PCR System

The ABI QuantStudio 7 Flex PCR system is a robust platform allowing the broadest range of PCR applications for real-time quantitation of gene expression and for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The QuantStudio 7 Flex qPCR instrument is calibrated for the following dyes: FAM, SYBR, VIC, HEX, NED, ROX, ABY, JUN, and Mustang Purple.  The system offers 384-well capacity and robotic loading for high throughput capability. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Assembled reactions can be submitted in approved 384-well plates (10 µl reaction volume) ready to run or in 96-well plates (DOT Scientific #800-PCR or equivalent; 15 µl reaction volume) and we will transfer up to four 96-well plates into each 384-well plate.
  • Standard cycling parameters will be used for all samples unless otherwise requested.
  • Submit plate(s) before 3 PM Monday through Friday to obtain data the next business morning.  Submissions received after 3 PM may be processed the following business day.
  • For submissions of 3 or more 384-well plates at one time, contact the Genomics Core (gtsf@msu.edu) at least 24 hours in advance to confirm instrument availability. 
  • The QuantStudio 7 Flex software can be downloaded from ThermoFisher's website.
  • Data is uploaded to Genomics Depot for researchers to download.  Researchers are responsible for downloading and storing their own data, see our Data Retention Policy webpage for more information.