Pricing is identical for MSU researchers and for off-campus researchers. However, payments from non-MSU accounts (i.e. off-campus researchers) will be subject to a 3% University Administrative Fee. MSU also requires the addition of a 26% Facilities and Administrative Cost charge to services provided to for-profit companies.
Sample Quality Control Services
The MSU Genomics Core offers Biotium Quantification Kits for use with the Qubit. For accurate quantification, the two kit standards must be measured with each batch of samples that are processed. The standards are charged at the same rate as a sample, therefore, if you are quantifying two samples the cost will be $4 (4 x $1.00) because of the two required standards.
AccuGreen Broad Range |
Double-stranded DNA |
$1.00 |
AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantification, each |
Double-stranded DNA 0.1 - 100 ng |
$1.00 |
AccuBlue Broad Range RNA Quantification, each |
Total RNA 5 - 1000 ng |
$1.00 |
Visit the Common Use Equipment webpage for instructions to reserve the qubit.
A minimum of 72 samples are required for this service.
Qubit Flex Quantification Sample Requirements
Qubit Flex Quantification Submission Form
AccuGreen Broad Range dsDNA Quantification |
Double‑stranded DNA 2 - 1000 ng |
$163 | $19 |
AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantification |
Double‑stranded DNA 0.1 - 100 ng |
$176 | $20 |
AccuBlue Broad Range RNA Quantification |
Total RNA 5 - 1000 ng |
$156 | $18 |
*Each column can have up to 8 samples. Partially filled columns will be charged at the column price.
The TapeStation is an automated electrophoresis instrument that can assess the quality and/or size of nucleic acids. It performs the same function as a bioanalyzer, but allows for high-throughput sample processing.
TapeStation Sample Requirements and Service Description
TapeStation Submission Form
HS RNA Assay For quality assessment |
≤ 6 samples | $14 (minimum fee $36) |
7 - 47 samples | $10 | |
≥ 48 samples | $7 | |
D1000 HS assay For sizing and quality assessment of double‑stranded DNA up to 1 kb. Examples include prepared libraries, fragmented DNA, and PCR products. |
≤ 6 samples | $13 (minimum fee $28) |
7 - 47 samples | $10 | |
≥ 48 samples | $8 | |
D5000 HS assay For sizing and quality assessment of double‑stranded DNA up to 5 kb. Examples include cDNA, ATAC-seq libraries and other large insert libraries. |
≤ 6 samples | $17 (minimum fee $28) |
7 - 47 samples | $10 | |
≥ 48 samples | $8 | |
Genomic DNA assay For sizing of high molecular weight (HMW) Genomic DNA. |
≤ 6 samples | $18 (minimum fee $29) |
7 - 47 samples | $11 | |
≥ 48 samples | $9 |
AVITI/Illumina (Short-Read) Library Preparation & Sequencing
Genomic DNA Library Preparation Services
The Genomics Core is now offering Bundled Flat Rate Pricing for DNA library preparation and sequencing on the AVITI. This service allows researchers to pay a flat rate for library preparation and a set amount of sequencing for each sample. The Quantabio SparQ DNA library prep method will be used for this service.
DNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
The Bundled Flat Rate Submission Forms are available on our LIMS Project Submission webpage.
*NEW* For researchers who are also interested in data analysis services, the Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now jointly offering ChIP-seq library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for a flat fee for MSU researchers. See the ChIP-seq bundled sequencing and bioinformatics section for more information.
Quantabio SparQ DNA library + 3 Gbp (10 M read pairs) | $76 |
Quantabio SparQ DNA library + 6 Gbp (20 M read pairs) | $102 |
Quantabio SparQ DNA library + 9 Gbp (30 M read pairs) | $128 |
Quantabio SparQ DNA library + 12 Gbp (40 M read pairs) | $154 |
Additional sequencing can be purchased in 3 Gbp increments | $26 per 3 Gbp |
The Quantabio SparQ DNA library prep is the standard shotgun DNA library preparation kit used by the Genomics Core. This kit can be used with genomic and metagenomic DNA samples. Low input and ChIP-seq library preparations are also possible with this method.
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing will be selected separately.
DNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
≤ 12 samples | $68 |
13 - 47 samples | $57 |
≥ 48 samples | $50 |
*NEW* For researchers who are also interested in data analysis services, the Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now jointly offering ChIP-seq library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for a flat fee for MSU researchers. See the ChIP-seq bundled sequencing and bioinformatics section for more information.
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing will be selected separately.
DNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
8 - 19 samples | $223 |
≥ 20 samples | $166 |
RNA-Seq Library Preparation Services
The Genomics Core is now offering Bundled Flat Rate Pricing for RNA-seq library preparation and sequencing on the AVITI. This service allows researchers to pay a flat rate for library preparation and a set amount of sequencing for each sample. The Watchmaker mRNA library prep method will be used for this service.
RNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
The Bundled Flat Rate Submission Forms are available on our LIMS Project Submission webpage.
*NEW* For researchers who are also interested in data analysis services, the Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now jointly offering Bulk RNA-seq library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for a flat fee for MSU researchers. See the RNA-seq bundled sequencing and bioinformatics section for more information.
Watchmaker mRNA library + 25 M read pairs | $131 |
Watchmaker mRNA library + 35 M read pairs | $157 |
Watchmaker mRNA library + 45 M read pairs | $183 |
Watchmaker mRNA library + 55 M read pairs | $209 |
The Watchmaker mRNA library prep is the standard RNA-seq library preparation kit used by the Genomics Core. This kit is appropriate for use with high-quality eukaryotic total RNA.
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing is purchased separately.
RNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
≤ 12 samples | $89 |
13 - 47 samples | $73 |
≥ 48 samples | $65 |
*NEW* For researchers who are also interested in data analysis services, the Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now jointly offering Bulk RNA-seq library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for a flat fee for MSU researchers. See the RNA-seq bundled sequencing and bioinformatics section for more information.
RNA-Seq libraries can be prerpared using ribosomal RNA depletion instead of polyA mRNA selection. The Genomics Core uses Qiagen's QIASeq FastSelect Kits for this method. FastSelect rRNA depletion are purchased by the researcher and provided to the Genomics Core. Please contact the Genomics Core ( to discuss your project.
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing is purchased separately.
RNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
≤ 12 samples | $98 |
13 - 47 samples | $82 |
≥ 48 samples | $74 |
Quant-Seq generates highly strand-specific libraries of reads from the 3' end of each mRNA in your sample.
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing is purchased separately.
RNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
≥ 72 samples | $66 |
Library preparation of small RNAs (<200 nt), including microRNA (miRNA).
The prices in the table below are for library preparation only. The type and amount of sequencing is purchased separately.
RNA sample requirements are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
Small RNA Library Preparation | $145/library |
Purification of Small RNA Library Pool* |
$67/pool |
*Small RNA libraries almost always contain primer dimers because the desired insert is so small. A purification is performed on the pool of libraries to reduce the amount of primer dimers.
Amplicon Library Preparation Services
16S V4 Amplicon library preparation uses the 515f/806r primer pairs. For more information visit the 16S V4 section on the sample requirements webpage.
24 - 380 samples |
$5.50 per sample plus $207 per plate |
*NEW* For researchers who are also interested in data analysis services, the Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now jointly offering 16S V4 amplicon library preparation and analysis for a flat fee for MSU researchers. Please note that plate set up fees, quality control of library pool, and sequencing are purchased separately. See the 16S V4 bundled library preparation and bioinformatics section for more information.
The Genomics Core will add barcodes to primary PCR products. For more information and instructions regarding proper construction of primary PCR products visit the Amplicon Barcoding section on the sample requirements webpage.
24 - 380 samples |
$5.50 per sample plus $207 per plate |
10X Genomics Chromium Single Cell Library Preparation Services
A consultation with the Genomics Core is required prior to beginning experiment. Contact us at to schedule consult. Researcher is required to purchase 10X kit(s).
1 sample | $570 |
2 - 4 samples | $337 |
5 - 8 samples | $223 |
A consultation with the Genomics Core is required prior to beginning experiment. Contact us at to schedule consult. Researcher is required to purchase 10X kit(s).
1 sample | $508 |
2 - 4 samples | $285 |
5 - 8 samples | $177 |
A consultation with the Genomics Core is required prior to beginning experiment. Contact us at to schedule consult. Researcher is required to purchase 10X kit(s).
1 sample | $1,036 |
2 - 4 samples | $641 |
5 - 8 samples | $378 |
Short-Read Library/Pool Quality Control
qPCR validation of library pool prepared by Genomics Core (Excluding amplicon library pools) |
$28 |
QC of amplicon library pool prepared by Genomics Core (Includes fluorometric quantification, TapeStation analysis, and qPCR validation) |
$68 |
QC of user-prepared library or pool (Includes fluorometric quantification, TapeStation analysis, and qPCR validation) |
$68 |
AVITI Sequencing
The AVITI is the new sequencing instrument in the Genomics Core. The AVITI offers less expensive sequencing options, higher accuracy, and lower duplication rates than the NovaSeq 6000. Sequencing options in the table below are available for purchase by the flow cell. It is possible to purchase half of the AVITI 2x150 bp High Capacity Flow Cell.
2x75 bp |
Low | Flow Cell |
100 |
15 | $883 |
Medium | Flow Cell | 500 million | 75 | $1,181 | |
High | Flow Cell | 1 billion | 150 | $1,408 | |
2x150 bp | Low | Flow Cell | 250 million | 75 | $1,181 |
Medium | Flow Cell | 500 million | 150 | $1,408 | |
High | Half Flow Cell | 500 million | 150 | $1,059 | |
High | Flow Cell | 1 billion | 300 | $2,089 | |
2x300 bp | Medium | Flow Cell | 100 million | 60 | $2,089 |
High | Flow Cell | 300 million | 180 | $2,950 |
*The read format can be adjusted to accomodate 10X single cell libraries or other libraries with unusual read formats. Please contact the Genomics Core at to discuss changes in read format prior to submission.
MiSeq Sequencing
The MiSeq v2 chemistry is recommended for amplicon sequencing. We are no longer listing the v3 chemistry flow cells because the AVITI 2x300 bp flow cells are less expensive and will generate more data. See the AVITI pricing section for more information. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss transitioning your MiSeq project to the AVITI.
Note that output is expected to decrease by 30 - 40% when sequencing amplicon libraries or other low diversity libraries.
The MiSeq pricing below is effective as of February 20, 2025.
v2 Standard |
2x150 bp (300 cycle) |
8 - 10 M for amplicon libraries 12 - 15 M for standard DNA and RNA libraries |
3.6-4.5 | $1,797* |
2x250 bp |
8 - 10 M for amplicon libraries 12 - 15 M for standard DNA and RNA libraries |
6.0-7.5 | $1,978** | |
v2 Micro | 2x150 bp (300 cycle) |
2 - 2.5 M for amplicon libraries 4 M for standard DNA and RNA libraries |
1.2 | $953 |
v2 Nano | 2x150 bp (300 cycle) |
600-800k for amplicon libraries 1 M for standard DNA and RNA libraries |
0.3 | $746 |
2x250 bp (500 cycle) |
600-800k for amplicon libraries. 1 M for standard DNA and RNA libraries |
0.5 | $827 |
*The AVITI 2x150 bp Low output flow cell is less expensive than the MiSeq 2x150 bp option and will generate more data. See the AVITI pricing section for more information.
**The AVITI 2x300 bp Medium output flow cell is similar in price and will generate approximately 100 M read pairs. The read length can be adjusted to 2x250 bp for shorter amplicons. See the AVITI pricing section for more information.
Library/pool Size-Selection
Currently unavailable.
Select-a-Size (Zymo part number D4080) can be used to select for fragments ≥ 300 bp or ≥ 200 bp. This size selection method is not offered for individual samples. It is used by the Genomics Core to reduce the presence of barcoded primer dimers in amplicon libraries. Researchers should contact the Genomics Core ( before submission of user-prepared libraries or pool(s) if they feel that size selection is needed.
Size selection for fragments ≥ 300 bp or ≥ 200 bp |
$18 per library or pool |
A magnetic bead cleanup can be used to remove small contaminating fragements (i.e. primer dimers) from completed libraries or pools. This size selection method is not offered for individual samples. Researchers should contact the Genomics Core ( before submission of user-prepared libraries or pool(s) if they feel that a bead cleanup is needed.
Magnetic Bead Cleanup |
$35 per library or pool |
*NEW* Sequencing and Bioinformatics Analysis Bundles for Select Services
The Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now offering library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for select library types for a flat fee. These prices are only valid for MSU researchers who will pay using an MSU grant account. A consultation with the Bioinformatics Core is required prior to project submission. Schedule a consultation with the Bioinformatics Core by completing the form on their website. For other analysis services, contact the Bioinformatics Core directly.
Bioinformatics services are available for off-campus researchers, but they must be purchased separately from Genomics Core services. Interested off-campus researchers should schedule a consultation with the Bioinformatics Core by completing the form on their website prior to project submission.
Bulk RNA-Seq pricing given below is valid only for MSU researchers who will pay using their MSU grant account. A consultation with the Bioinformatics Core is required prior to project submission. Schedule a consultation with the Bioinformatics Core by completing the form on their website. Off-campus researchers should contact the Bioinformatics Core to discuss analysis needs.
Watchmaker mRNA library preparation and sequencing by the Genomics Core and gene expression analysis by the Bioinformatics Core | 25 M | $194 |
35 M | $220 | |
45 M | $246 | |
55 M | $272 |
Visit the Bioinformatics Core's Services and Pricing webpage for information about analyses and deliverables.
Sample requirements for Watchmaker mRNA Libraries are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
ChIP-Seq pricing given below is valid only for MSU researchers who will pay using their MSU grant account. A consultation with the Bioinformatics Core is required prior to project submission. Schedule a consultation with the Bioinformatics Core by completing the form on their website. Off-campus researchers should contact the Bioinformatics Core to discuss analysis needs.
Quantabio sparQ DNA library preparation* and sequencing by the Genomics Core and ChIP-seq analysis by the Bioinformatics Core | 30 M | $214 |
40 M | $240 | |
50 M | $266 |
*ChIP DNA and input DNA must be fragmented to ~350 – 450 bp by researcher prior to submission.
Visit the Bioinformatics Core's Services and Pricing webpage for information about analyses and deliverables.
Sample requirements for Quantabio sparQ DNA Libraries are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
16S V4 pricing given below is valid only for MSU researchers who will pay using their MSU grant account. A consultation with the Bioinformatics Core is required prior to project submission. Schedule a consultation with the Bioinformatics Core by completing the form on their website. Off-campus researchers should contact the Bioinformatics Core to discuss analysis needs.
16S V4 amplicon library preparation |
$12.50* |
*Price per sample does not include plate set up fees, quality control of library pool, or sequencing of libraries. These are purchased separately. Projects must have 24 to 380 samples.
Additional fees for 16S V4 projects include:
16S V4 plate set up fee | $207 per plate of ≤ 95 samples |
QC of amplicon library pool prepared by Genomcis Core |
$68 per pool (typically one pool is created per project) |
Sequencing | Pricing depends on the amount of sequencing needed. Consult with the Bioinformatics Core to determine the number of reads needed per sample and the Genomics Core will assist with sequencing flow cell selection. |
Visit the Bioinformatics Core's Services and Pricing webpage for information about analyses and deliverables.
Sample requirements for 16S V4 amplicon libraries are given on our Sample Requirements webpage.
Long-read Library Preparation & Sequencing (Oxford Nanopore)
See our Oxford Nanopore Technology page and our Nanopore Sample Requirements page for more information.
Oxford Nanopore Submission Form
Ligation Sequencing Kit (LSK114) |
$787 |
Ligation Sequencing with Native Barcoding Kit (NBD114.24) |
$690 + $144/barcode (up to 24 samples) |
Rapid Barcoding Kit (RBK114.24) |
$472 (up to 24 samples) |
Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (RNA004) |
$559 |
cDNA-PCR Sequencing Kit (PCS109/PSC111) |
$616 |
cDNA-PCR Sequencing Kit with Barcoding (PCB109/PCB111.24) |
$445 + $114/barcode (up to 24 samples) |
See our Oxford Nanopore Technology page and our Nanopore Sample Requirements page for more information.
Oxford Nanopore Submission Form
GridION R10.4.1 | $899 |
PromethION R10.4.1 | $1,095 |
Sanger Sequencing
For sample requirements, see our Sanger Sequencing Sample Requirements webpage.
The Sanger Sequencing Submission Form and Custom Naming Template can be downloaded from our Forms webpage.
Low throughput standard reaction (≤ 8 samples in individual tubes) |
$7 |
Medium throughput standard reaction (9 - 16 samples in 8-strip PCR tubes or 96-well plate) |
$6 |
High throughput standard reaction (≥ 17 samples in 96-well PCR plate) |
$3.50 |
High throughput, low cost standard reaction Researcher adds primer, no reruns (≥ 48 samples in 96-well PCR plate) |
$2.75 |
The 1st tier reaction is for samples with high GC content and plasmids > 10 kb. If you have questions about the 1st Tier reaction, please contact the Genomics Core at
For sample requirements, see our Sanger Sequencing Sample Requirements webpage.
The Sanger Sequencing Submission Form and Custom Naming Template can be downloaded from our Forms webpage.
Low throughput 1st tier reaction (≤ 8 samples in individual tubes) |
$8 |
Medium throughput 1st tier reaction (9 - 16 samples in 8-strip PCR tubes or 96-well plate) |
$7 |
High throughput 1st tier reaction (≥ 17 samples in 96-well PCR plate) |
$4.50 |
Other Services
GeneScan/Fragment Analysis
GeneScan/Fragment analysis services are available for the size standards below. Analysis is run on the ABI 3730XL instrument.
GeneScan 500 ROX dye Size Standard |
$2.25 |
GeneScan 500 LIZ dye Size Standard |
$2.25 |
GeneScan 400HD ROX dye Size Standard |
$2.25 |
MapMarker X-Rhodamine Labeled 50-1000bp |
$1.80 |
GeneScan 1200 LIZ dye Size Standard |
$2.40 |
QuantStudio 7 Flex qPCR
Researcher submits fully assembled reactions in 96-well or 384-well plate(s). The Genomics Core does not assemble reactions for researchers.
The qPCR submission form can be downloaded from our Forms webpage.
Please see our qPCR webpage for more information.
One (1) 96-well plate | $59 |
Two (2) 96-well plates | $69 |
Three (3) 96-well plates | $80 |
Four (4) 96-well plates | $90 |
One (1) 384-well plate | $38 |
Dissociation Curve | $8.50 |
The Genomics Core allows researchers to purchase 384-well plates and optical film for submissions that will be made to the Genomics Core.
384-well optical plate, each | $5 |
Optical sealing film, each | $3 |
Covaris Sonicator (Self-Service Equipment)
Researchers that bring their own covaris tubes for use with the M220 Sonicator are charged sample shearing fee.
Sample Shearing | $2 |
Visit the Common Use Equipment webpage for instructions to reserve the Covaris.
The Genomics Core has two types of Covaris tubes available for purchase.
Small Tube (130 µl tube, p/n 520045) | $6.50 |
Large Tube (1 ml tube, p/n 520135) | $7 |
Visit the Common Use Equipment webpage for instructions to reserve the Covaris.
NanoString nCounter
The nCounter is only available to MSU researchers. Interested researchers must contact us at to discuss instrument availability.
Price does not include reagents from NanoString. The listed prices are for sample processing only.
mRNA assay with Gene Expression Panel (Custom CodeSet or Elements TagSet) |
$247/12 sample cassette |
miRNA assay with NanoString miRNA Panel | $251/12 sample cassette |
Multiplexed mRNA assay with nCounter PlexSet | $356/96 samples in a 12 well cassette |